BikiniBot, short for Bikini Bottom, is a desktop app for creating and managing a todo list. The style of this app is inspired by the cartoon Spongebob.
Listed below are the list of features that the BikiniBot supports.
Displays the list of commands that can be used in the BikiniBot.
Format: help
Example usage:
Expected output:
I don't know nothin' about other commands but here are the list of commands I understand!
help: displays the list of commands available
list: displays the list of tasks you have
find *keyword*: displays the tasks with that keyword
eg find karate
todo *task description*: adds a task without any date/time attached to it
eg todo scold spongebob
deadline *task description* /by *date+time*: adds a task that needs to be done before a specific date and time
(date and time to be written in yyyy-mm-dd HHMM format)
eg deadline build spaceship /by 2019-10-15 2359
event *task description* /at *date+time*: adds a task that starts at a specific time and ends at a specific time
(date and time to be written in yyyy-mm-dd HHMM format)
eg event karate competition /at 2019-10-15 1200
done *task number*: marks the task with that number as done
eg done 1
delete *task number*: deletes the task with that number from the list
eg delete 1
update *task number* /name *task name*: updates the name of the task with that number from the list
update 1 /name help spongebob
update *task number* /date *task date*: (only for deadline or event tasks!) updates the date and time of the task with that number from the list
update 1 /date 2020-02-20 1200
bye: ends the session
Adds a todo task to the list.
Format: todo *task description*
Example usage:
todo scold spongebob
Expected output:
Ain't no problem! I'm addin' this task:
[T][✘] scold spongebob
Now you have 1 tasks in your list!
Adds a deadline task to the list, with a date and time attached to it.
Format: deadline *task description* /by *yyyy-mm-dd HHMM*
Example usage:
deadline build spaceship /by 2019-10-15 2359
Expected output:
Ain't no problem! I'm addin' this task:
[D][✘] build spaceship (by: Tue, 15 Oct 2019, 23:59)
Now you have 2 tasks in your list!
Adds an event task to the list, with a date and time attached to it.
Format: event *task description* /at *yyyy-mm-dd HHMM*
Example usage:
event karate competition /at 2019-10-15 1200
Expected output:
Ain't no problem! I'm addin' this task:
[E][✘] karate competition (at: Tue, 15 Oct 2019, 12:00)
Now you have 3 tasks in your list!
Displays the list of tasks the user has.
Format: list
Example usage:
Expected output:
Here yer go! These are all your tasks!
1. [T][✘] scold spongebob
2. [D][✘] build spaceship (by: Tue, 15 Oct 2019, 23:59)
3. [E][✘] karate competition (at: Tue, 15 Oct 2019, 12:00)
Finds the tasks in the list with the matching keyword specified.
Format: find *keyword*
Example usage:
find karate
Expected output:
Ain't no problem! I have found the matchin' tasks in your list:
1. [E][✘] karate competition (at: Tue, 15 Oct 2019, 12:00)
Marks a task in the list as done.
Format: done *task number*
Example usage:
done 1
Expected output:
YEEEEE-HAW!!! You've completed this task!
[T][✓] scold spongebob
Deletes a task from the list.
Format: delete *task number*
Example usage:
delete 1
Expected output:
Got it! I'm removin' this task!
[T][✓] scold spongebob
Now you have 2 tasks in your list!
Updates an existing task by either changing the task description or the date and time attached to the task.
Format 1 (updating task description): update *task number* /name *task name*
Example usage 1:
update 1 /name destroy spaceship
Expected output 1:
Got it! I'm updatin' this task to:
[D][✘] destroy spaceship (by: Tue, 15 Oct 2019, 23:59)
Format 2 (updating date and time): update task number /date task date
Example usage 2:
update 2 /date 2020-02-20 1200
Expected output 2:
Got it! I'm updatin' this task to:
[E][✘] karate competition (at: Thu, 20 Feb 2020, 12:00)
Exits the application.
Format: bye
Example usage:
Expected output:
You're leavin' already?!??! Well, see you again! BYEEE!!!
BikiniBot saves the user’s data in the hard disk automatically after any command that changes the data. There is no need to save manually. When the user restarts the application, the list of tasks from the previous use will still be able to be displayed.